go to market

At SGMT, our Go To Market (GTM) strategy is meticulously crafted to ensure rapid market penetration and sustainable growth. Our approach hinges on two key elements:

1. Amazon Optimization and Fulfillment

Leveraging our team's deep expertise in Amazon optimization tactics, we strategically launch our products on the Amazon platform. Our proficiency in enhancing brand credibility and creating exceptional content enables us to carve out a substantial share of this captive market. By utilizing Fulfilled by Amazon (FBA) services, we maintain streamlined supply chain operations, ensuring that our products reach customers efficiently and reliably. This approach not only simplifies logistics but also enhances customer satisfaction through Amazon's trusted fulfillment network.

2. Strategic Partnerships

In addition to our Amazon-focused strategy, we actively seek partnerships with strategic allies who provide access to diverse and valuable markets. These partnerships are instrumental in broadening our reach, tapping into new customer bases, and leveraging existing distribution networks. By collaborating with established partners, we amplify our market presence, enhance brand recognition, and drive growth across multiple channels.

Our dual-faceted GTM strategy positions us to maximize market opportunities, ensuring that SGMT's innovative products are effectively delivered to consumers while driving robust business performance and investor returns. We acknowledge that there is an opportunity for DTC via native websites and DTC via bricks-and-mortar. However, at this stage, the higher costs involved in those strategies along with the greater degree of complexity in both supply chain and customer service mean that we are reserving these options for a possible Phase 2.