

(1) Customers are overwhelmed with choice, data and influencers. Help them make a simple yet effective decision.

(2) ‘Generic’ supplements too close to being a commodity. A well-crafted brand with premium feel gives the latitude to charge a premium price, develop customer loyalty and build long-term sustainability.

(3) Segment for quality brand building, storytelling and relevant information sharing.

(4) Sales Funnel - keep it simple. Pay Amazon to do what they do well, keep supply chain and sales management to a minimum. Work with established strategic partners to enter less familiar markets.

(5) Much brand building, supply chain organisation etc is hard to create first time but relativity easy to duplicate. 

(6) Therefore create a template for the brand and product, copy and adapt for ‘sibling’ brands.

(7) Too many offerings lead to customer inaction: limit the product range to offer a ‘once and done’ purchase decision.